Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love, love, love

We all dream of love. Well, unless you are a sociopath or have a narcissistic personality (then I suppose you love yourself...). People in general spend a lot of time dreaming about love. We grow up with fairytale stories about it, watch movies that revolve around it, plot how we'll find it, keep it, strengthen it... Sometimes I think it's incredibly complex, and other times it seems so simple.

I've loved and lost a fair amount of times in my 24 years. With each cycle I learn something new, or maybe remember something I forgot. Sometimes I think I make it too complicated. Perhaps I have focused too much on how I think it should go, as if I were following a recipe, and forget to enjoy and appreciate it in the moment.

So what's important in terms of love? I think it's finding a part of yourself in another person. Finding someone you can trust and rely on, who makes you a better, more well-rounded person. At least, I think that's part of it. This world is big, hard, and lonely (not to be confused with horny men on the internet...), a team-mate/partner in crime would be excellent.

What is love to you?