Monday, August 30, 2010

Bubble Forts

This weekend my family (parents and brother) went to Appleton, WI to visit family. It was incredibly relaxing and hilarious. My family is perverse and all about the too much information for a laugh. I got to see my cousin's daughter, who is just beautiful and adorable and starting to form sentences that fractionally make sense.

On the last night of our stay, my brother and I made a bubble fort. We took a sheet and tucked one end under a mattress and used the fan to hold the middle up. We sat in there watching King of the Hill and giggling like we were 5 for 2 hours. It. Was. Awesome.

I better never lose the kid in me.

P.S. The translation of the face I'm making says, "My dad keeps belching garlic sausage and I'm starting to get nauseous."